41 signs you have too much stuff
Are you overwhelmed in your home? Constantly moving things to sit down or prepare a meal? Have clothes everywhere but nothing to wear? The list goes on.
Are you overwhelmed in your home? Constantly moving things to sit down or prepare a meal? Have clothes everywhere but nothing to wear? The list goes on.
Aspirational pantry pics on social media may have you rushing off to buy a 50-pack of matching canisters. Everything from pasta to spices will look
Clutter saps your time, energy, money and wellbeing. Get rid of it once and for all.
“Where can I start?” I hear you ask. Well here are 28 things you can declutter today.
Space Invaders Season 4 sees Peter Walsh, Cherie Barber and Angie Kent decluttering homes, families and relationships in the Sydney suburbs.
There are 2 types of Swedish Death Cleaning – decluttering before you die, and decluttering after someone else’s death. Both are confronting, but very rewarding.
The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning tackles a new decluttering project every episode, with a good dose of heart. Because it’s never just about the stuff. The people’s stories are compelling.
Organising in general, is not one-size fits all practice, and neither is organising for people with disability and illness. But there are some things to consider, including decluttering, organising and more.
19 ADHD home organisation hacks you may not have heard of ADHD affects executive function, which includes planning, task initiation, organising and completing tasks. This
These questions were developed by the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD), and have been used in several studies linking decluttering and organising to higher levels of function and well-being.
It’s difficult to convey tone via messaging. But geez there are some weird interactions on Facebook Marketplace. “Where are you located?” Um it’s in the listing sir.
13 items professional organisers never buy – and neither should you 1. Souvenirs and ornaments Trinkets with no purpose will become clutter in your home
Organising for busy parents – 15 hacks to make life easier It’s commonly believed that organising for busy parents is impossible because time and energy
Deciding we don’t need something is one thing, knowing what to do with it ethically and responsibly is another. Nobody wants to contribute to landfill.
Clutter accumulates over time – through your own shopping habits, stuff from other people, and the failure to appropriately declutter.
Decluttering is hard, and stressful, and … what if we need it one day? There are lots more decluttering hurdles, but check out these fresh new perspectives to keep you on track.
Decluttering to move house can be stressful, but the deadline of shifting means motivation is guaranteed. Start early, be ruthless, think about your process and categories, get the family involved, and take it room by room.
Decluttering doesn’t have to be a wasteful exercise. We can minimise environmental impact by donating and recycling thoughtfully. And if something you own is truly landfill, living with it doesn’t make it any more useful.
Two full days can seem like a lot, but check this guide for how to use your time effectively to declutter your home in a weekend. Starting with the most important zones, we will talk you through hotspots and hiccups.
It’s not just you – managing clutter is getting harder. Consumerism, mass production, marketing, less time and more stuff means we can hardly keep up.
Do you stock up on containers before you start? Not have a plan or process? Create Doom Boxes which will haunt you later? Avoid these decluttering mistakes and more.
Keeping up with the Jones’ means looking over the fence and wanting what your neighbour has. The neighbours – and the stuff – are more accessible than ever, so is inevitable that keeping up with the Jones’ leads to clutter.
Now that I have your attention, ‘someone who hoards’ is a more respectful way to address them. Be mindful of your language AND your actions. Decluttering behind their back can actually make the problem worse. Take baby steps and let them retain control.
Van life organising – or sorting out a caravan, campervan, mobile home or RV – follows similar principals to arranging a home. However space is
Have you ever kept a nice bottle of wine, or a cute notebook, or a scented candle – for a special occasion that never arrives?
Sometimes bite-sized decluttering sessions are the best. You don’t have to assign an entire week or use your holidays. Just squeeze in a quickie after
Marie Kondo the queen of clean let slip that since the birth of her third child, shit has gotten real at home. She has had to reprioritise her time, which is totes understandable.
Space Invaders Season 3 features Peter Walsh, Cherie Barber and Angie Kent waving their magic wands on cluttered homes across Sydney, and transforming lives in the process.
Why does your house seem to descend into chaos? Why do problems pop up on their own, while solutions demand effort and energy? Murphy’s Law
Grouping Like with Like helps with decluttering, so you know what you can safely cull. It helps with organising, so you can find things easily and intuitively. And it helps with maintenance, so you don’t keep buying duplicates.
I hit the ABC news desk early January to give everyone a head start on decluttering tips 2023. Where to start, how to declutter your own stuff and importantly – your partner’s stuff. And why “Does it Spark Joy?” doesn’t work for everyone.
Clutter is too much unnecessary stuff. Disorganisation is lack of order. Mess occurs when you don’t put things away. When they overlap, chaos is inevitable.
When does your right to manage your stuff as you see fit, become impacted by laws? Hoarding and environmental neglect (‘environmental neglect’ is newer terminology
Do you pick up an extra something at the shops in case you run out? In case someone pops in? Do you keep duplicates of
Clutter can be expensive to buy, but even worse, keeping your clutter is costing you money. Living amidst chaos is bad for your bank balance
Sometimes we don’t even notice the micro frustrations that surround us at home. Constantly moving clutter aside and around to complete daily tasks leads to stress and overwhelm.
A gift cupboard is a collection of brand new or giftable items on hand. Stored together with greeting and gift cards, as well as wrapping paper in the same area, you have all you need when assembling a gift.
Recently I was going through the huge mass of family photos I had become custodian of, and realised I had no idea who some of the people in the pics even were. I’m sure they were lovely people and they were likely related to me, but they needed to go.
Have you heard of clutter churning? It means moving items around in an attempt to get organised, when actually you need to declutter. Clutter churning
OHIO – only handle it once – was devised for managing emails. The nifty acronym dictates that opening and dealing with an email in one
When we declutter, we let the fear of regret get in the way of progress. How can we overcome this?
Whether you are decluttering or setting up a kitchen from scratch, here is a handy guide of the essentials.
The Endowment Effect is a cognitive bias whereby people value their own belongings higher than they value someone else’s. Our mere ownership of something inflates its perceived value. Weird, right?
There are no rules about what you should do or own. But at retirement, do you really want to be tripping over your kids’ old memorabilia when they have moved out long ago?
What is a Doom Box? DOOM stands for Didn’t Organise, Only Moved. It’s the equivalent of a junk drawer – full of the miscellany of
Clutter creep happens to all of us. One minute we have a storage place for everything and the next, our stuff lives on the benchtops.
Self-storage units are useful for transitional periods like renovating and travelling. But many people use them to keep unnecessary excess items and waste thousands of dollars per year.
Lagom (pronounced “la-gum”) means “just enough”. It is the Swedish encapsulation of Goldilocks – not too much, not too little, just right. Or in more
If you are going to declutter and organise, do it right. Avoid these common pitfalls like trying to do it perfectly, starting too big, and keeping too much.
When a loved-one dies their belongings become more significant – because that’s all we have left of them. Photos, clothes that smell of them, keepsakes they adored. But sometimes it’s fear and obligation dictating the situation.
Adults value weird things children can’t relate to, often involving time and space. Here are some examples: Clean bed sheets, Having zero plans, Having plans cancelled, The perfect parking spot.
A lot of the clutter I encounter in clients’ homes consists of little jobs they have put off, and put up with. An unhung picture frame, a dead light bulb, a squeaky door.
Space in the kitchen and home is valuable real estate. How can you maximise it? Many of us would love a bigger home, more rooms,
The Decluttering Co was proud to team up with the House of Wellness TV show to create a segment about decluttering and using a Professional Organiser.
Professional Organisers are a fairly mixed bunch. Some of us were once messy and learned techniques and hacks to make life easier. Others have always
Coco Chanel famously said “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” The same applies to your home –
Fast fashion is a mess, literally. The world is drowning in fabric, and the fashion industry has a vested interest in this madness continuing. Where can you donate your pre-loved clothes to minimise landfill?
I thought things were getting better. I have been drinking from a keep cup, riding my bicycle, and using the supermarket soft plastics bin. But it’s not enough. We need to stop buying landfill.
Marie Kondo asks “does it spark joy” but that doesn’t work so well for pragmatists like me. I prefer concrete questions which won’t change with my mood.
The Home Edit taught us that organising involves four steps. 1. Edit – Fancy word for declutter. 2. Categorise – Put like with like to make storage intuitive. 3. Contain – Use boxes/bins/tubs to keep your categories separate. 4. Maintain
Junk drawer = shit drawer? Julie discusses junk drawers and how to manage them with ABC radio host Adam Shirley, who calls his the Shit
Decluttering your junk drawers is easy. Everyone has them, so how do we keep them in check? Simple! You can find more hot takes about
What would you do if you had to flee your house? Do you have an Important Document Folder? Two and a half years ago it
Organising with kids can be a huge challenge. Organising with kids involves streamlining the school routine and arranging their toys in a way that maximises
The Two Minute Rule is as follows: “If an action will take less than two minutes, it should be done at the moment it’s defined.” The reason is that it would take longer to organise and review the task than it would to actually do it.
It’s easy to come away from a stay at an Airbnb feeling inferior about your overstuffed cupboards. It’s easy to covet your friend’s kitchen setup, complete with every kind of wine glass. But everyone’s clutter tolerance is different.
Season 2 of this fabulous and eye-opening show features more cluttered homes. The stories behind the clutter are always fascinating.
1. Start small and build up. 2. Get started with our prior blog post about the basics. 3. Have a vision for that space. 4. First, put any obvious rubbish in the bin. 5…
A lot of clients tell me they make too much mess when they try to declutter, so they give up. But it doesn’t have to be hard.
If I had a dollar for everyone who looks at their clutter and says “I have no idea why this is here”, I’d be rich.
Tidying up is something you do as a teenager to get your parents off your back. Since you are not 13 any more, stop tidying
Bottles under the bed, in the hot garage and above the fridge are common storage spots. Putting some thought into how we store wine can
Fashion is a big polluter and a cluttered wardrobe is not fun to use. So. How many clothes do I need? Depends – are you an minimalist or a fashionista – or both?
Christmas is a heady mix of people, gifts and food. Whether you are hosting the big day or not, getting Christmas-ready definitely reduces stress. Declutter
Being organised means fewer nasty surprises. Being a hot mess can have interesting results. Which end of the spectrum are you on?
There is clutter lurking in every home, in particular the following items. They wear a disguise of usefulness but are not worth the space they
Minimalism does not mean living like a monk or having no furniture. Rather it’s about prioritising and being intentional, to bring the good stuff into
The cost of real estate these days is eye-watering. Living in a smaller space might be a necessary sacrifice to stay in your chosen area.
Do you do house cleaning on a schedule, or at random? Does your calendar tell you when it’s time to scrub the toilet, or do
“What do I need to become a minimalist?” is asked a lot. As if there is some kind of prescriptive shopping list to turn your
Endless renos to keep up with the Jones’ are not my thing, but if your decor is looking a bit tired, targeting a couple of
Making to-do lists is so very 2018. To-don’t lists are much more fun. And productive. Declutter your responsibilities to clarify what’s important. And the great
If you have a lot of clutter in multiple rooms, hiring a professional organiser to make over your entire home is not fast or cheap.
How often do you declutter your fridge? The average family wastes hundreds of dollars a year on discarded food. Bread goes mouldy on benchtops. Bananas
It was once predicted that (we) future humans would have a lot of spare time. But the future is here and we are busier than ever.
My friend grew up in a family of five girls, so life was busy for her parents. Meal times, clothes washing, mental load and just
Shoe storage is often a fraught issue. Shoes are sometimes dirty, often unsightly and there is no one-size-fits-all solution for storing them. Shoe storage –
Are you are a minimalist with a messy partner? Or you want to get organised and your housemate likes their stuff everywhere? Once you start
In a consumerist society marketing is everywhere. We need to be choosy with what we spend our money and energy on.
Consumerism and clutter go hand in hand. Aggressive marketing and a capitalist culture that celebrate stuff are difficult to ignore. You see, being human is
If interior design and decor are on your social media radar, you may have noticed the rise of Cluttercore. It sprung up in 2020 in
Figuring out how many T shirts you need is one thing, decluttering sentimental items is more difficult. Emotions get in the way. But I have
Clothes can be difficult to declutter as there are lots of variables. Fluctuations in fashion, season and fit can alter the wearability of an item.
We all do it, mindlessly scroll looking for a dopamine hit or just to pass the time. Social media is great for both of those things, as well as for keeping us abreast of topical issues and connecting with friends.
I am asked this a lot – how many undies should I own? How many dresses do I keep? How many T shirts can I
You thought you were on the home stretch. You got through the crying baby phase, the terrible twos and all the ups and downs of
Decluttering can be a chore. Not for me, I love it. Most of us don’t naturally gravitate to it though, however we definitely feel better
Sometimes we need to take a step back and look at what we are storing, and why. This includes our wardrobes. Does your wardrobe reflect
The term ‘hoarding’ can be used pretty loosely. Clients often ask me “am I a hoarder?” and are relieved when I say no. On the
ADHD was once only recognised in cheeky young boys. In recent years the definition has expanded and a link between ADHD and tidying up (or lack thereof) has become clearer.
Are decluttering and mental health connected? Definitely, and it works both ways – they impact each other.
It can be a big stumbling block for aspiring declutterers – what should I do with my stuff? Keep, donate, discard, sell?
You’ve watched the shows, bought the books and splashed out on products that make big promises about organising your space. Maybe it’s time to call
There is a fine line between sterile and messy. Between cold and cluttered. The correct balance is effortlessly stylish and often draws on the Rule
Accountability and getting shit done go hand in hand. Sometimes we need a reason to get stuff done – coach, partner, even ourselves.
Look around your cluttered bench tops and surfaces, and I’ll bet there are things which can’t be put away OR put in the bin. Candidates
Travelling with family overseas might seem impossible right now, so it’s a good time to work on the Australian bucket-list. Holidaying with family – i.e.
Once or twice a year I know a pantry tidy is necessary because I start to hate my pantry and everything in it. Who the hell tears a packet open right through the middle? (Everyone)
Humans are incredibly optimistic. We think we will remember. We don’t. And even if we do, our memory is rarely as immediate and stress-free as
Junk drawers have a bad reputation. Is it deserved? Comedian Jimeoin has a little song called Third Drawer Down, poking fun at this known phenomenon.
People often ask me what a typical declutter client looks like. The truth is, they come in all ages, genders and demographics, but have a
So you have watched a few organising reality shows, and want to know how to become a Professional Organiser in Melbourne? The industry is relatively
After the dust settles from the death and the funeral, looming large is the arduous task of packing up the deceased estate and its contents.
This time I look in detail at my two favourite selling powerhouses – eBay and Marketplace. The pros and cons of each.
Want to sell your belongings online? I need to preface this by saying: it may not be worth as much as what you think. Temu,
Peter Walsh was ahead of his time. He was talking about clutter in the early 2000s before it was cool, and way before Marie Kondo had roll-folded her first organic cotton T shirt.
If you have watched The Home Edit or wandered through Ikea you will know the appeal of containers. Even Marie Kondo has succumbed to the
Clients often ask “can I claim decluttering on tax?” This post is going to be riddled with disclaimers: OK so maybe not riddled, but those
As children get older, their stuff changes. Pieces get smaller. Duplo changes to Lego. Wooden trucks are replaced with remote-control helicopters. Eventually there are fewer
Acquiring belongings is easy. A quick scroll through Amazon or Etsy, a few hours at the shops, a Christmas. Before you know it you have
I started sorting my stuff by colour during Covid lockdowns. It began with my phone. It made me feel productive during a time when everyone
So you’ve finished the decluttering and organising process, and it was laborious. You don’t want to have to go through that again. So how do you maintain it?
Decluttering and making decisions go hand in hand. The process of sorting, tidying and culling household items involves making constant decisions about go or stay.
The Go Zone is like a set of starting blocks for your household, containing all the essentials for a smooth exit. Car keys – check! Sunscreen – check! Schoolbags – check!
Perhaps you have watched Marie Kondo and The Home Edit on Netflix and you want to transform your home. But where to start?
The post-Christmas comedown is upon us. There are probably some unwanted gifts on your table – what can you do with them?
Decluttering all your belongings thoroughly so that your loved ones don’t have to – is not macabre. It’s sensible for now and for after you’re gone.
Property styling and selling your home is a big process. It usually means removing rather than adding, as buyers want to see a blank canvas.
The End Of Year School Clutter is as reliable as Santa himself. And the thing is, how many exercise books and folios of each child are you meant to keep?
It seems counter-intuitive, but when I declutter my bookshelf I am inspired to actually read more. Like all our stuff, when we curate and organise
The Wear Again pile is a grey area in our wardrobes. What do we do with the clothes that aren’t dirty enough to wash?
I have been thinking about the Melbourne Cup. As Marie Kondo says, keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that
Look around and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed at the amount of clutter. As we go through life it inevitably builds up around us. Old
In the modern era of too much stuff it’s difficult to imagine a time when people saved up for their furniture. They ate meals on
Following on from a previous post about pantries, let’s talk about pantry organising with containers. This is a divisive issue and please accept my disclaimer that I
Do you use the good stuff? Or do you have things in your cupboard for special occasions? Do you have: Wedding gifts still in the
Shifting house is said to be one of life’s most stressful events. Here are some hacks to make it easier. 1. Declutter first. Don’t waste
Pantries can get pretty messy and it’s hard to know where to start. Well here goes: 1. Take everything out and group roughly by category. 2…
This week I saw an exasperated Facebook post outlining someone’s to-do list. It’s a familiar trope, the mental load, the expectations put on women. I
Being organised means minimising nasty surprises. Do you perform self-care for future you, or only for current you?
Need more information about organised living?
Suburbs: Abbotsford, Alphington, Armadale, Auburn, Balwyn, Banyule, Bellfield, Blackburn, Box Hill, Briar Hill, Brunswick, Bulleen, Bundoora, Burnley, Burwood, Camberwell, Canterbury, Carlton, Clifton Hill, Coburg, Collingwood, Cremorne, Deepdene, Docklands, Doncaster, Donvale, Eaglemont, East Melbourne, Eltham, Fairfield, Fitzroy, Glen Iris, Greensborough, Greythorn, Hawksburn, Hawthorn, Heidelberg, Ivanhoe, Kew, Kingsbury, Kooyong, Lower Plenty, Macleod, Melbourne, Mont Albert, Montmorency, North Melbourne, Northcote, Parkville, Pascoe Vale, Prahran, Preston, Princes Hill, Regent, Reservoir, Richmond, Rosanna, South Melbourne, South Yarra, Southbank, Surrey Hills, Templestowe, Thornbury, Toorak, Travancore, Viewbank, Watsonia, West Melbourne, Yallambie, and more.
LGAs: Bayside, Boroondara, Brimbank, Cardinia, Casey, Darebin, Frankston, Glen Eira, Greater Dandenong, Hobsons Bay, Hume, Kingston, Knox, Manningham, Maribyrnong, Maroondah, Melbourne, Melton, Monash, Moonee, Valley, Moreland, Nillumbik, Port Phillip, Stonnington, Whitehorse, Whitehorse, Wyndham, Yarra, Yarra Ranges, and more.
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The Decluttering Co acknowledges that we operate and travel on lands stolen from the oldest continuous culture on earth, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We pay our deepest respect to Elders past, present, and emerging.