Hoarding Help

Hoarding Help is available

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – 5th Edition (DSM-5,) defines Hoarding Disorder as persistent difficulty discarding or removing possessions, regardless of their actual value.

Apart from the usual problems of clutter, hoarding can be unsafe for the person, their tenancy and their relationships. 

If you want hoarding help for someone you love who is resistant to change, please know that the determined behaviours of people who hoard are difficult to change. Please check this post for tips. 

But if the person who hoards wants to declutter and/or they are you, The Decluttering Co can help you establish your goals and priorities. We won’t boss you around or tell you what to get rid of, but we do have some useful strategies to help keep you safe and forge a path out of clutter. 

And if you are comfortable with us, we will roll up our sleeves and help you treasure-hunt, organise and declutter at your pace. As graduates of Hoarding Home Solutions and with lots of experience behind us, we know that when attachment to belongings is strong, progress can be slow and steady. 

Our hoarding help is non-judgemental, practical and patient. Please note we are unable to assist in situations affected by environmental neglect.

Melbourne services available, so get in touch.